For who: If you are a citizen or a farmer willing to live within a resilient food community, where the local food produced in an ecological way is accessible and is treated as a common human right and not an ordinary market product. If you have your experience to share how to build, educate, sustain or advocate for a resilient local food community there is a right meeting for you!
What is the CEE?: An inspiration for the Central and Eastern European Meeting is the biennial meeting of CSA groups, starting from 2012, every two years. In this way, in each even year, people from all over Europe have the opportunity to meet to share what they do, share experience, and strengthen cooperation. We want to initiate the CEE of the food citizen to be organized periodically every two years and enable active people to exchange experiences, plan joint activities or also learn from each other.
Who we are: We are a team of European organizations working on the field of food citizens education and supporting already existing CSAs or food cooperatives to flowerisinhg and disseminate good examples how food citizens could organize. Together we are conducting a Food & More project which is focused on building and networking food communities in Central East Europe. Read more here:
Where: First CEE meeting will be held in Lower Silesia, in EkoCentrum Wrocław (12th November) and also two days in the Birds Valley – a Creative meeting house (13rd,14th November)), 60-kilometers from Wrocław
What will be the plan? :
1.Day, 12th November, EkoCentrum Wrocław 10am-5pm
Urban Food Community:
- What Does it look like to organise food communities among urban dwellers? Experiences from different regions. Food coop, urban gardens, CSA all form of self-organising among citizens
- How we could boost the food communities movement (included food cooperatives/ food education/)
- Post pandemic lesson to learn for Urban Food Communities- experiences to share.
2.Day, The Birds Valley, 10 am-5 pm
Going back to roots – local producers in sake of food sovereignty
- The power of local food community members – how to support each other, how to cooperate over the borders, how to build a sustainable and resilient network of food citizens. Role of mentoring for building food community
- Seeds matters – about the House of Seeds in Ptasia Dolina. What are the plans and what are the allies for those initiatives? How to make a bigger circle and build a regional network of seeds keepers?
- Re-shape an existing educational model – toward a multi dimensional educational hub.
3.Day, The Birds Valley 14 th November, 10 am-2 pm
Advocacy for being seen & recognized
- Advocacy at local and regional level – how to work with local government with the aim to build a strong food policy ? Experience from different countries
- Why is advocacy an important tool to fight for food sovereignty at the local level?
Work will be carried out in smaller groups and in the form of discussions. A detailed program broken down by hours and hosts will be delivered by October 24th. The working language will be English.
If you are interested to participate in the CEE meeting please contact your national organisation (TVE for Hungary, AMPI for Czech Republic) or directly to FER Fundacja EkoRozwoju (Poland).
Project co-financed from UE programme Erasmus+ 2019-1-HU01-KA204-061205, Food & More – Consumer education for food citizens
Contact Info:
Polish Coordinator: Fundacja EkoRozwoju FER, Monika Onyszkiewicz,
Hungarian Coordinator: TVE, Perényi Zsófia zsofi@
Czech Coordinator: AMPI Šárka Krčílková sarkak@